6:00 pm
WEDDING PARTY AND FAMILY TRANSPORTATION Memphian Guests 4:00pm (Wedding Party) ~ Shuttle departs Memphian Hotel for Rehearsal 5:30 PM ~ Shuttle departs Memphian Hotel for Rehearsal Dinner Memphis Country Club Guests 5:45 PM ~ Shuttle departs MCC for Rehearsal Dinner 9:00 PM ~ Shuttle returns all guests to the Memphian and MCC
5:30 pm
Black Tie Optional!
WEDDING PARTY AND FAMILY TRANSPORTATION Memphian Guests 4:45 PM ~ Shuttle departs for the wedding Memphis Country Club Guests 4:45 PM ~ Shuttle departs for the wedding 6:15 PM ~ After the ceremony, the wedding party and family board shuttles and depart for The Memphis Country Club 9:00 PM ~ First shuttle departs for the Memphian 11:00 PM ~ Late shuttle departs for the Memphian
6:00 pm