Update: In light of COVID-19, we wanted to check in and let you know your health and safety are our top priority. We’re still figuring things out and will keep you posted about any changes to our wedding. Thank you for your patience!
Update: In light of COVID-19, we wanted to check in and let you know your health and safety are our top priority. We’re still figuring things out and will keep you posted about any changes to our wedding. Thank you for your patience!

Emily & Matthew


We’re getting married!

Matthew Prosen


Emily Hastings

September 8, 2023

Alta, WY

How did we become the Future Mr and Mrs. Prosen?

It all started when we met/dated in high school and picked up where we left off after our freshman year of college. We did the whole long distance thing throughout college; driving back and forth from Chicago to Marion, IN over the next four years. During our long distance days, we really discovered how much we meant to each other and how committed we were to our relationship. Over summer break, Matt would head out west to work in Jackson, WY and Emily would visit for her favorite week of the summer! We camped, hiked, hung out with Matt’s family, went sight seeing, took road trips and more! It made such an impression on us that we made the big move in December of 2020 and have been loving it since. About a year later on our anniversary, we were driving into the parks before heading to dinner. All the while, Matt was internally freaking out because the mountains weren’t visible from the snowfall. However, Emily had worked that night shift and was too sleep deprived to notice. Plus, Matt had laid some groundwork and made it known he thought proposing on their anniversary was super cheesy and “definitely not happening”. So when her friends at work asked if she thought Matt would pop the question later, Emily had only anticipated their dinner plans. Little did she know she was in for the surprise of her life! After arriving to their favorite spot at Oxbow Bend and both slipping on the ice (Matt at this point is trying to hide that he’s checking for the ring box in his pocket after falling) both the happy couple and ring make it safely to the riverside. After reminiscing, enjoying the scenery and taking pictures- Emily turns around to find the man of her dreams on one knee with the ring of her dreams! Even though she didn’t process much of what he said after “Will you marry me?” they were engaged after seven years together and are looking forward to a lifetime of happiness and adventures. We can’t wait to celebrate this day with our friends and family!

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