We suggest flying into Boston Logan airport. From Boston Logan, the MBTA Silver line runs for free from the airport to South Station in Downtown Boston. If you want to continue on public transit, take the Red Line train to the Kendall Square stop to Cambridge. Alternatively, there are plenty of Uber/Lyft options or taxis. Other airport options are Providence, RI or Manchester, NH.
We have reserved a wedding block for Friday and Saturday nights (July 19-20th). Please call Marriott Reservations (1-800-228-9290), or use website link: https://www.marriott.com/events/start.mi?id=1694100185492&key=GRP On the phone, identify as part of the Robbins/Wiberg Wedding Room Block. The room block is reserved until June 21, 2024. Room rates are set to $259.
Discount Code - Robbins/Wiberg Wedding Room Block
We have reserved a wedding block for Friday and Saturday nights (July 19-20th). Please call Marriott Reservations (800-331-3131), or use website link: https://www.marriott.com/event-reservations/reservation-link.mi?id=1694104207925&key=GRP&app=resvlink. On the phone, identify as part of the Robbins/Wiberg Wedding Room Block. Reserve before June 21, 2024. Room rates are set to $279.
Discount Code - Robbins/Wiberg Wedding Room Block