May 24, 2022
Chiesa del Carmine, Perugia, Italy

Emily & Austin



Are you wondering… How to get to Italy? Where you’ll lay your head? What will I do there? This section is designed to help answer your most burning questions. If we are missing something, just ask!

Can I take public transportation to the venue/my accommodation?


We wouldn’t recommend it, as the wedding venue is in the countryside. It is best to rent a car and drive or carpool with family and friends. The closest train stop is about a 25 minute drive away. We will offer shuttle service from select hotels, and we will update shuttle information on this site as soon as we know where everyone is staying.


How can I stay updated?


Once we know who’s coming (after you kindly return the RSVP to be sent later in the spring) we’ll open a whatsapp group that will include updates on everything wedding related.


Is the wedding kid-friendly?


Yes! All kiddos are welcome, and we would love for them to be a part of the celebration. For parents looking for a night of relaxation and uninhibited revelry, babysitting services can be arranged through the venue, please let us know if this is something you are interested in and we can put you in contact with our planner.


What should I wear to the wedding?


It will be a casual week, but we ask that on the day/night of the wedding that men wear a jacket and that women wear semi-formal attire. The wedding will be outdoors, so comfortable shoes are important. Above all, we want everyone to be comfortable and enjoy themselves!


What is the weather like in May?


The weather varies in the spring in Umbria. It can be cool at night (60s) and hopefully in the mid 70s to low 80s during the day. As we plan to have the ceremony and reception outside, we suggest you bring a light layer in case the evening is chilly.


What should I do now?


Get excited - and start looking at flights and accommodation options! We understand these are uncertain times, and suggest using the next few months to browse options, and book when you feel comfortable.


What documents do I need to travel?


To travel in Europe you need a valid passport with an expiration date at least six (6) months after the date you are leaving Europe (e.g. November 2022 for our wedding). Typically, airlines in the U.S. will not even let you board if you don’t meet this requirement. So please check your passport, and renew it well before May if necessary. And remember that it can take up to 3 months to get a new passport, so no dilly-dallying!


What should I pack?


Late May in the Umbria region of Italy is generally warm, with average temperatures at around 70-80 degrees F during the day, and in the 50s-60s at night. We recommend: - Both closed-toe and open-toe shoes: On hot days or excursions you’ll appreciate the open-toed pair, but you’ll need a good, comfortable pair of walking shoes too, especially since visits to Italy usually involve lots of walking and stairs. - Light layers: With a potential 30-40 degree temperature swing, you’ll be glad you can shed some layers as well as add some. - Rain gear: Umbrellas and light rain gear are a good idea for fall in Italy. No one likes walking around in soggy shoes! - Bathing suit: Many of the hotels have pools, as well as our venue, so bring your swimwear! - Outlet adapters: Voltage and outlets are different in Europe – please see the FAQ below regarding outlet adapters.


Can we stay at the venue?


Sorry, we’ve rented the entire villa and all rooms have been assigned. We will be staying there with our immediate family for the week. Please see our Accommodations & Travel page for a list of accommodations we recommend near the venue.


I want to arrive early or stay after the wedding, where do you recommend?


Many of our guests are planning on arriving early or staying after the wedding. Where you go is up to you! We have some planned excursions, as well as plenty of recommendations for things to do and see in the Umbria region, Florence and Rome. Let us know if we can help! Italy is a great jumping off point for travel through much of Europe as well, from Croatia, to Greece, to France, the options are limitless!


Will I have phone service?


There is wifi at Chiesa del Carmine and most of the recommended hotels. However, if you want your phone to work in Italy outside of wifi areas, there are two options: 1. Contact your carrier in the U.S. and ask them about their international plans. For example, with both Verizon and AT&T you can activate a plan that charges you $10/day only on the days that you use your phone overseas. This is the best option and the one we recommend. 2. You can buy a SIM card in Italy with data on it. Companies that offer this service are TIM, Vodafone, Wind, and 3. The SIM card is about 20 euro plus data.


How will I charge my devices? Do I need any special adapters?


Yes, A European adapter will be needed to charge your devices. We've linked an example here, and more options can be found on Amazon, at Target, etc. - https://store.ricksteves.com/shop/p/european-power-adapter


Where can I rent a car?


Most major car rental agencies operate in Europe, including Hertz, Avis, Budget. If you plan on spending a few nights in a city (Rome, Florence, Siena) before the wedding, we recommend taking a train or taxi from the airport to the city center, as you will not need a car in any of the major cities. You can rent a car when leaving the city to meet us in the countryside.


Do I need an International Driver’s Permit?


An International Driving Permit (along with your normal license) is technically required for U.S citizens to drive in Italy. This can be obtained either from the American Automobile Association (AAA) or American Automobile Touring Alliance (AATA). You can apply for your permit either in one of their offices or through the mail. The IDP costs around $20 and is valid for 6 months. However, the chances of being pulled over are extremely low. Police rarely patrol the roads, relying instead on automated radar installations (Autovelox) to nab speeders. The police’s only real function seems to be to setup the occasional checkpoint at roundabouts to check drivers’ documents. Any rental car should have the necessary documents in the glovebox.


What's it like driving in Italy?


While it may feel a little strange at first, it’s really no different than driving in the U.S. You still drive on the right side. You still have speed limits. Traffic is still annoying. There are a lot more rotaries than we’re used to in the U.S., but they’re easy as long as you remember to always yield to traffic in the rotary when you enter it, and not to be too timid, or you’ll end up circling forever.


Should I bring Euros?


Yes, you should bring euros, as Italy is much more of a cash-based country than the U.S. Many taxis only take cash. You can get euros from your U.S bank (this option should be done a few weeks before you leave). You can also use Italian ATMs with a U.S. debit card. There is usually a fee involved with this option, but we’ve found it is better than bringing USD and exchanging them for EUR in Italy. Make sure that you inform your bank of your travel plans so that they don’t surprise you with a security hold on your cards!


Should I let my bank or credit card companies know I’m travelling internationally?


Yes! If they see international activity, they may shut off your card, which would be terribly inconvenient. Most banks allow you to let them know the exact days you are traveling so they don’t inadvertently leave you stranded.


Will anyone speak English?


In big cities, tourist areas, most restaurants, and virtually all hotels, someone will speak English. Maybe not really well, but well enough to answer questions and help you out. In a pinch just approach a friendly person on the street and say ‘mi scusi, parla inglese?’ – that is the polite way of asking if they speak English. While in the countryside, you may encounter no one that speaks English, but we’ve always managed to get by, as the Italian people are very friendly and welcoming.

For all the days along the way
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