To book a room in the reserved hotel block, use the link below or call the phone number provided above. For online bookings, use the group code “BCW”. For phone bookings, provide the group name “Bair Courville Wedding”. There are a limited number of rooms, so please book by 8/15/2023 to be included on the hotel block.
To book a room in the reserved hotel block, please call the phone number provided above and provide the group name “Bair Courville Wedding”. There are a limited number of rooms, so please book by 8/28/2023 to be included on the hotel block.
To book a room in the reserved hotel block, please call the phone number provided above and provide the group name “Bair Courville Wedding”. There are a limited number of rooms, so please book by 8/28/2023 to be included on the hotel block.
Charlottesville Airport is about 1.25hrs from Lexington, VA.
Roanoke Airport is about 1hr away from Lexington, VA