For travel details please refer to the Travel & Accommodations page of our website.
For hotel block and location recommendations please refer to the Travel & Accommodations page of our website.
September in Rhode Island is beautiful. It's still warm enough to go to the beach but cool enough to enjoy a nighttime breeze. We'd recommend making a vacation out of it and staying for a week or a long weekend. Because there are so many people traveling from out of town, we'll be hosting events both Friday and Saturday night.
Although we love your children, due to capacity limits we ask that you leave your kids at home for the night of the wedding. We hope that you understand our decision and take the opportunity to celebrate with us. Please reach out if you need assistance finding childcare. Kids are welcome to join the night of the welcome party. Just send us a note and let us know so we can account for them in the menu plan.
Whenever you're ready. You can RSVP at anytime on our website, otherwise we will send a reminder a few months prior to the wedding.
The wedding dress code is festive summer cocktail attire - color is encouraged but not required. Inspiration is linked here:
Absolutely. Please feel free to send us a note directly or share with your rsvp response.
Shuttles will be available to and from the wedding from the South Kingstown Holiday Inn and downtown Jamestown. For the schedule, please refer to the transportation schedule page on our website. There will be parking available at the wedding. Uber and lyft also run in the area.