The location is more than just a wedding venue. This museum is the house where Francisco de Paula Santander was born. He is a very important icon in Colombian history because he was one of the leaders that gained our Independence against Spain.
The first constitution of Colombia was also sign at this house in 1821, therefore he is known as "the man of the laws" (El hombre de las leyes).
If you have the chance to explore Bogota, you will see his more important quote engraved at our national justice palace:
"Colombianos, las armas os han dado independencia, las leyes os daran libertad"
"Colombians, weapons have given you independence, The law will make you free"
Hopefully you will learn more about his life and history on the tour.
Este mágico sitio guarda una gran historia de nuestro país, esperamos que nos puedan acompañar en el tour que tenemos programado para ustedes.