
Ella & Jack



Jack Flaherty


Ella Stevenson

June 3, 2023

St. Paul, MN

Our Story

It was just like any other October evening in Sitzmann Hall at the University of Saint Thomas when Jack first laid eyes on the most beautiful woman in the world. She was sitting two rows up in her father's Catholic Thought & Culture II class, and she didn't talk to anyone the entire lecture. Things didn't start off great. Jack initially mistook her for the new girlfriend of a classmate of his, and, when they finally got the chance to meet, one of the first things Ella said was how much she hated Gatlinburg, TN (which is an opinion somewhat softened at this point). Their first interaction was nearly as unromantic as an interaction can be. "You're Dr. Stevenson's daughter," said Jack as they accidentally became square dance partners at a Halloween party. "Yep," replied Ella. The conversation immediately came to a close and Jack was never forgiven. But the Lord had greater plans for the two than disinterested crushes and clipped interactions. They continued running into one another in classes, Christmas parties and movie nights, and they slowly began to realize a natural friendship and affection. One night at Scottie Helstad's birthday party, Jack and Ella found themselves deep in conversation, so absorbed the party seemed very far away. When everybody left and the conversation continued, he asked if she would like to come out sometime for coffee. Ella had been very patiently waiting for this invitation. Dating for Jack and Ella was simultaneously non-stop fun and hard work. Two things swiftly became apparent: 1. There were no shortages of shared interests. They shared a deep love of animals, going on hikes and time outdoors, hours-long deep conversations, salsa dancing, dancing in the kitchen, dancing to movie sound tracks, and a strong desire to pursue a relationship with God. Better yet, they found that these shared interests strengthened that pursuit. 2. They were super different! Ella the artsy hairdresser who grew up in the city, and Jack the mathematics major who grew up in Tennessee. Jack owns innumerable flannels, all of various shades of earth tones, and Ella enjoys leopard print fabric and Scottish alternative pop music. But the deep connection was established, and Ella and Jack quickly became best friends. It did not take long to notice they were on a similar path, that they complemented one another by their differences, and that they worked well together in turbulence as well as in peace. This gave them joy, and the two began to feel an invitation from God to take the next step. So, early in the morning on October 30th, Jack and Ella set off to La Crosse, Wisconsin to go visit the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The Blessed Mother had been a constant intercessor for their relationship, and the story of Our Lady of Guadalupe was one that both Jack and Ella were surprised and delighted to find so significant for the other. So, after the long trek up the hill and before the doors of the Church, Jack asked a couple standing nearby if they would mind taking a picture for him. As Ella prepared a photogenic posture, very suddenly Jack was on one knee, Ella was speechless, and they were engaged! We couldn't be more excited to be married, and we couldn't be more excited to have you at our wedding! Please remember us in your prayers, and please join us in celebrating the incredible mission God is inviting us into.

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