January 4, 2025
Insuli Pagawadi, Sawantwadi, Maharashtra, India

Jessica & Edwin

    Invitation and venue

Edwin Fernandes


Jessica Dsilwa

January 4, 2025

Insuli Pagawadi, Sawantwadi, Maharashtra, India
113 days113 d4 hours4 h7 minutes7 min31 seconds31 s

How We Meet

It was like a scene from cinema when we met. Never had I thought that it would be a place like this. It was at a bustling Sawantwadi railway station. I was in the rush of getting into the train when I saw her; she was standing and smiling at all the commotion around, lighting it up. I walked up to her, and, well, hell, I asked for her number without a second thought. To my real surprise, she only smiled brighter and handed me her phone. Just like that, amidst hustle and bustle, we clicked. That is how we met—by chance, like in a fleeting, magical moment.

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