*FULLY BOOKED FOR SATURDAY This hotel is 15 minutes north from the venue and will be best for those staying both Friday and Saturday night! Transportation will run to and from this hotel!
Discount Code - Book under the room block "Hart/Eastman Wedding"
This hotel is 25 minutes south from the venue and will be best for those who want to save some money, but have a little further drive home Sunday morning! Transportation will run to and from this hotel!
Discount Code - Book under the room block "Hart/Eastman Wedding"
This hotel is 40 minutes north/east from the venue. It will be best for those planning to drive yourselves to and from the venue and don't mind a longer drive after the reception back to the hotel where you will then be closer to home for your drive Sunday morning! Transportation will NOT run to and from this hotel!
Discount Code - Book under the room block "Hart/Eastman Wedding"
House Or Rental
Our venue allows for camping! If you own a camper or even a tent (and are brave enough to sleep outside in end of October weather) this option could be for you! If this is something you're interested in please reach out to Kennedy or Taylor!
October 28, 2023 3:30 pm - 4:00 pm
October 28, 2023 4:15 pm - 4:30 pm