The name in our guest list has to perfectly match the name you type in. There may be an error behind-the-scenes with spelling, so contact us if this is the case, or try typing in a last name only or another family members name
No, we will not be serving alcohol, and our venue does not permit outside beverages. We would appreciate all of our guests helping respect the venue that's worked so hard to fit us in last minute to accommodate this rule.
Weddings can be expensive affairs, even for some attendees when they may look at registries and travel and all of these factors. While a registry will be posted, if an actual item from our registry cannot be afforded on such short notice, we will be gathering a honeymoon fund and any remaining money going towards necessary items not purchased.
We have no expectations of attendance, we would love for you to be involved in our special day, but more than that we want you to be a tool the Lord uses in our marriage after our ceremony is over.