Saturday, June 1, 2019
Yes we are! Check our registry tab to access Amazon, Target, and Bed, Bath, & Beyond registries.
Beach attire: wear linen pants/khakis, short-sleeve button downs, maxi dresses, sundresses, and sandals. Think tropical and you will be all set!
We have listed a few nearby hotels in the travel tab. There are others within short driving distance though!
We are going to start with a video of our cruise ship wedding followed by dinner (taco bar). The rest of the evening will consist of dancing, celebrating and having a few drinks if you like. If it works better for your family to take off early, that's perfectly okay! We totally understand as many people will have a long drive.
You can bring gifts to the celebration, or feel free to mail them to our address: Drew and Kodie Ritchie 1120 W. 5th St Dubuque, IA 52001 If gifts aren't your thing, we are always ok with gift cards from Lowes, HyVee, Kohls, or Amazon.
Yes you may. However, if you have a date that isn't covered on the invitation, please let us and let us know so we can adjust the number on your RSVP.