11:00 am
We joyfully welcome & encourage all our guests to attend our wedding mass in the morning at St. Ambrose, even if you are unfamiliar with the Catholic mass. If you are not Catholic, or haven’t been to mass in a long while, here are a few quick guidelines about the mass: 1. Because we firmly believe that the Eucharist is the body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ, we ask that those who aren’t Catholic or in good standing with the Church not receive communion. You are, however, more than welcome to come forward during communion and receive a blessing from the priest. If you wish to do so, please cross your arms over your chest when you walk up to indicate to the priest to administer a blessing instead. It is also perfectly acceptable to remain in your pew at this time and pray. 2. We will have missals available so you can follow along with the mass, and don’t have to guess at what’s going on. 3. During the liturgy of the mass, please keep quiet and silence your cell phones.
4:00 pm - 10:00 pm
The mass & reception will be semi-formal. There will be dancing in the grass at the Heal’s so maybe bring a pair of flats for the reception.