On one of our many walks.

First stop, aura photos at Crystal Magic.

One of our favorite things at L'Auberge where we stayed.

Creekside breakfasts were the best!

It's so hard to capture how beautiful it really was.

We ate sooo much Mexican food.

A Buddhist Stupha we visited.

Blending workshop before our couples massage.

Every one of these rocks is gorgeous.

Chapel Rock was breathtaking.

We went stargazing one night and *might* have seen some UFOs.

Did we mention that we ate a ton of Mexican food?

We found a super cool place called Lux for lunch in Phoenix on our way home.

One of the first photos we took together. Still Despi's favorite.

An engagement present from Despi's sister, Olivia.

Exploring wine and cheese in Madison, WI with Karma and Mandy. (And, Marc even though he's not in this photo.)

In Cincinnati for a Rob Zombie and Marilyn Manson concert.

Winterlights with (most of) the Fun Night friends. We were missing one that night.

Despi's first gallery showing.

The day we adopted our bunnies - and one of the few times we've ever gotten to hold them! It turns out they hate that.

Visiting Despi's parents at Christmas.

We built a beautiful community garden together.

Hanging out with Despi's family.

Hanging out with James's family.

Biking to Half Liter for Fun Night. Thanks, Karma for the photo!

Laughing together is always the best. Thanks, Tina, for the photo!

Stopping to enjoy a sunny day under the trees.

Exploring Joshua Tree National Park.

James took this photo at our favorite place, Commodore, in Indy.

A photo James took of Despi hugging a tree in Sacramento after a really amazing dinner. This was the day Despi knew James was going to propose.