The year was 2018, Steve and I had met before but this was all different. We had been acquaintances for a few years, seeing each other at friends’ weddings and parties, but we never really spoke other than the casual, “Hey, how are you?”. I got a Facebook message from Steve one day asking if I had still remembered him and spoiler alert, of course I had. We talked for a bit and he had asked if I wanted to get dinner with him sometime, I had always thought he was cute so I said yes! We went to the Tap Room in Brockport to get chicken wings and beer. We talked and we laughed about anything and everything, it was so nice to actually be ourselves. And the rest is history, Steve was my bright light at the end of a very dark tunnel and I am forever thankful for that. We cannot wait to share our special day with everyone and celebrate our love for each other!💜