September 18, 2021
Newaygo, MI

Nick & Nina

    Stay at Camp Newaygo

Stay at Camp Newaygo

The Wedding Website of Nina Johnson and Nick Deane
Our venue has several different (very rustic) lodging options. All inquiries, booking and payment for these options are made directly through Nick or Nina, please do not call the venue.

Dorm Rooms


Just like it sounds - these are rooms full of bunks. Communal bathrooms/showers are across the hall. Fair warning - these rooms are in the same building where the reception takes place so it won't be the most relaxing accommodation option. Best for guests looking for a real camp experience/party. $40/night

RV Space


There is space for RVs, but no hook-ups. If anyone has a generator or feels like roughing it for the weekend this is an option. Lodge bathrooms are nearby. Spaces are limited so please let us know if you're interested! If you want a real RV site with hook-ups Little Switzerland RV Campground is right across the lake (see Travel page). $15/night

Tent Camping


Guests are able to tent camp multiple different places on site (honestly anywhere you want to put a tent). There's 24/7 access to the lodge bathrooms and showers. $15/night

Payment Options


Please contact Nick (810-358-2200) or Nina (520-465-5658) directly for questions, booking and payment. All bookings must be made by 8/10/2021. The following payment methods are available: •Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/deanewedding •Venmo App: •Nick: @nicholas-deane •Nina: @niner12 If you aren't able to use either of these please reach out to us!

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