October 12, 2022
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

We're getting married!

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Meet our family and friends who are walking down the aisle with us!

Kayla Goddard

Matron of Honor

Kayla is Brianna's older sister. Just three years older and living in Texas, they have always been close. Brianna was Kayla's maid of honor in her wedding just last year and is excited to have her big sister next to her on her big day.

Kiersten Brown

Maid of Honor

Kiersten has been Brianna's best friend since they met in sixth grade. Their friendship started through middle school orchestra when they both began playing the viola. Their friendship continued throughout high school and then on to college where they were roommates at Oklahoma State for two years.

Ava Park


Ava is Brianna's best friend since high school. Along with Kiersten, Ava was also in orchestra and played the violin. They continued to hang out and be close throughout high school and visited each other often during college. Now living right down the street from each other, they are able to hangout just as much as they did in high school.

Alexis Brannon


Alexis has been Brianna's best friend since her freshmen year of college. They met through recruitment in a Christian sorority at Oklahoma State and later found out they were in the same class with the same major. Since then they spent a lot of time together at sorority events, studying at coffee shops, and cheering at football and soccer games.

Emma Lehman


Emma is Brianna's little sister. Though she is nine years younger, they bond over starbucks coffee, watching the latest Netflix series, and the latest fashion trends.

Trey Terry

Best Man

Trey and AJ have been best friends since T-ball. After that Trey and AJ grew up together playing baseball and then eventually football in middle school and high school. Trey and AJ were very close in high school, always hanging out every chance they could. After high school Trey and AJ continued to remain close and were always there for one another when they needed it. AJ is honored to have Trey be his best man and is excited to have him by his side everyday and especially on the wedding day.

Ethan Kee


AJ met Ethan through Christian and initially got to get to know each other working on Christian and AJ's trucks. From then on AJ and Ethan became good friends. AJ, Christian, and Ethan like to waterfowl hunt together although it is usually only AJ who can hit anything..

Christian Johnson


Christian and AJ met in Rookie School for the Oklahoma City Fire Dept. and became what is known around the department as "litter mates." After Recruit graduation Christian and AJ finished their rookie year and were assigned to different stations, it wasn't until February of 2020 That AJ was reassigned to Christian's station, Station 6. Since then they have became really great friends on and off the job and spend days off hanging out while hunting, fishing, hiking and working out.

Seth Bowerman


Seth and AJ met through Seth's brother Brett and worked in the same district before both Seth and AJ were reassigned to Station 6 with Christian. It didn't take long to realize that the two shared similar interest and spent many days off working out together. Seth also introduced AJ to mountain biking, hiking and long boarding.

Jake Davis


Jake has been AJ's built in best friend since 2004. Although they spend a lot of time butting heads it never fails that when AJ needs a strong helping hand, Jake is his first call.

Raylee Davis

Flower Girl

Raylee is AJ's little sister.

For all the days along the way
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