Matron of Honor
Steph is the sister I never had (thanks Benjamin), as well as a key player in bringing us all here today - so happy you met each other those years ago, cause look at us now! I can't wait for more Farkle games, Wine Days, watching the pups go crazy, and encouraging our shopping choices. I don't know what I would do without Steph by my side after all of these years, but luckily now that I'm back in Duluth, I'm just a short drive away.
Best Man
Danny is my older brother. He's seen and helped me through the highs and lows of life and always has the right Wedding Crashers or Anchorman quote to help relate to a situation. Nobody has or will ever listen to more 2000's rap than Danny, which helps a lot too. I was honored to be Danny's best man years ago and can't wait for him to do the same for me!
Matron of Honor
The friendship between Liv Moto and I is a byproduct of the friendship between my mother and her Aunt Stacy, and little did they know we'd become attached at the hip. After spending time at the University of St. Thomas, it was clear that Liv and I had no choice but to stay friends forever. She's the only person who will willingly answer and spend two hours on FaceTime with me, join me on watching Gilmore Girls annually, or think there isn't a limit to spend on Taylor Swift tickets.
Ben is the one responsible for us getting married, whether he'd like to admit it or not. As an extremely welcoming friend, Ben invited Dave to football tailgates and basement parties long before Dave met Liv--and eventually to a weekend at Steph's parents' cabin, where we'd ultimately meet and hang out for the first time. Ben loves Pictionary--ask him to play sometime!
I lucked out big time having Ash be my new sister-in-law. Immediately upon meeting Ash I saw how kind, loving, and life of the party she is. We bonded over games (and her dealing with my competitiveness), online shopping, day drinking at the beach, and there finally being another Moseley woman in the family!
Chuck and I met in middle school and have been close ever since. We grew up playing backyard football together and listening to J-Kwon CDs. Chuck and I grew up and both went into the education field and dream of winning the lottery and get-rich-quick schemes. None have worked, yet.
I met Britt through my job at Vortex, and it was an instant connection via Zoom. She quickly emailed me following with all of my need-to-know information, including her cell phone number, and the rest is history. Britt was also a huge part of getting us all to this day, by keeping alllll the secrets from me while working with David on the proposal. Nicely done you two, and thanks for getting me to get my nails done, Britt. Happy you're my work friend!
Danny and I met at Ordean Middle School hanging out at Nacho's birthday party at the Holiday Inn downtown. After college, we both moved back to Duluth to look for jobs and become grownups. After moving back in with our parents, we rented a house together and lived there with Chloe (his now wife) for 7 years. We deer hunt every fall and golf every summer.
Meg and I really found our stride during our high school years, particularly volleyball season, and since then we have transitioned our hangouts from gyms to restaurants and being in awe of her daughter. Some of my favorite memories for the two of us involved our college years - one of us traveling to either Duluth or Madison last minute, cramming everything possible into 48 hours, and getting back on the road. You're the truest of true friends, Meg!
Spoiler alert: his real name is Nolan. But our roommate in college made a Christmas card for our apartment one year and misspelt it and he's been Norlan ever since. Nolan and I went to Iowa State together and did a ton of dumb stuff. We usually plan to meet up at least once a year, but he's never come to visit Duluth. And owes me $150 because of it.
Al (Avery's fiancé) is going to try and take credit for this relationship, cause sure, maybe we wouldn't have known each other without him, but also we're more fun than him when we're together so, do with that what you will. Avery is also a huge culprit for all of us being here today - if it weren't for her pulling me aside and telling me I need to pursue this crush I have, who knows what would have happened, so thanks for the push. Can't wait to officially be in the same family with you, Avery. Cheers to doing wedding season together!
Alton has been around since I can remember, being best pals with Danny. As I got older, Alton was a huge part of the reason that I went to Iowa State, explaining how cool it is to get out of Duluth for a bit (especially fun now that we're both back in Duluth again). He was my big brother in our frat, even though he was studying abroad when I got initiated and never celebrated with me properly. No hard feelings there at all... Now he's somebody that I can always call to go boating on a whim with or talk hunting/outdoors stuff with. He's the newest addition to the Deer Shack group and we've had many great times shooting the stuff up there.
Kenz and I might have the best start to a friendship considering we both hated one another because of a boy growing up. It wasn't until we found ourselves to be teammates on our high school volleyball team and discovered that we're two of the funniest people alive together that we put that scuffle to the side. Alongside Kenz we've spent countless hours singing/screaming in the car, eating Dairy Queen, or sending voice memos back and forth. We also have matching tattoos, so you know we're fun together. And yes, we're Dunkin' Donuts in our photo.
Nacho is my oldest friend that I can remember. His mom was my daycare lady when I was three and we bonded playing Sega Genesis all day every day together. Nacho also taught me that his dad was actually the pirate on the Oakland Raiders helmet. We've grown up playing basketball and football, working at several liquor stores together, and continuing to play video games together to this day. He's mean with a torque bow and is always up to play golf or get together with the old crew.
Personal Attendent
Hales was probably the reason I ever graduated college, truly. If it weren't for her being the most studious roommate, our kitchen table never would've seen a text book of mine. Although she kept us all in line, she was always the one pushing us to get out of our beds to go to Lindo for a "couple" Wednesday margs. If you see Hales or her fiancé, Ty, can you also tell them how much happier they'd be living in Duluth? Thanks!
Personal Attendent
Everyone, meet the best baker on this planet. She's never given me something that I can resist have 10 of, or make my mouth drool with a photo. Living with Holls during college at UMD was filled with nights spent sitting in each other's rooms talking, avoiding homework, lotsssss of sarcasm, and again, sweets. I'll never tell Holls, but I don't think I would've made it through college without her or Hales by my side, or sharing a wall.