
Darlyn & Jesse

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

The Wedding Website of Darlyn Chester and Jesse Ponce
We are the Bride and Groom, see who will be standing by our sides on our wedding day!

Amanda Phearson

Matron of Honor

How do you know Darlyn? We met in high school, mainly through sports, but didn’t become close until after college. Two truths and a lie? -I’m half Australian - i have a green thumb & love plants - i have an extra muscle in my arm What makes you laugh the most? Myself…… or stupid, dry humor or people falling… OH AND Travis thinking he can beat me in Candy Crush. Favorite memory with Darlyn? Literally getting “Lost” on the way to Lost Lake or the time she convinced Bre & I to do an “easy” CrossFit workout when I was 5 months pregnant… Fun fact about yourself? I have 7 siblings

Josh Mitchell

Best Man

How do you know Jesse? I first met Jesse at work in 2019. Once I became comfortable at work, Jesse became a peer who offered to show me the ropes. We quickly became friends when I told him I was from Michoacán and we developed a plan to begin a Michoacán style food truck together, Mitchell’s Michoacán Cuisine… coming soon. Two truths and a lie? - Jesse introduced me to quesadillas - I encouraged Jesse to ask Darlyn out - I have a tattoo of an eagle What makes you laugh the most? My girlfriend’s farts and when Jesse tells me he is a black belt in street fighting Favorite memory with Jesse? Our trip to Cabo in 2021. I had a lot of experiences there that I will never forget. “Viva Mexico” Fun fact about yourself? I was 12 lbs when I was born.

Kelsey Oldham


How do you know Darlyn? From high school originally. The years following high school we both followed each other on social media through mutual friends, and super randomly started talking and sending each other things and became friends that way. Two truths and a lie? -I have a fear of passing out in the sauna and no one finding me -I used to play softball in college -I have never dyed my hair What makes you laugh the most? Watching my niece and nephew just existing. 😂 Toddlers are hilarious. Favorite memory with Darlyn? Basically our whole East Coast trip. Once in a lifetime trip. A couple highlights, when she was wearing her mask on her forehead through the hotel on our way to our room one night. Another favorite was Watershed, the drive there we stopped by Fred Meyer to go pee. She found a cute hat to wear, and then bought Jesse this hat that had a neck flap as a gag gift but also good for the weather we were going to endure. Jesse wore it the entire time he pumped gas and Darlyn and I were DYING of laughter. Once we got there, they gave us wrist bands that have strings on them and they told us they HAD to go on our right hand. She goes, “How am I supposed to wipe and what if it touches!?” It was probably the best line of the whole weekend. Fun fact about yourself? I can triple fold my tongue. 👅

Jake Stout


How do you know Jesse? I have had the honor of working with Jesse since 2017. Jesse’s personality and hard work made him a very fun person to be around. Jesse is a food wizard and I quickly learned that there is no better date than one with Jesse. Over the years, Jesse has become a brother to me. Two truths and a lie? - Jesse introduced me to Agua De Pina. - Jesse loves Tom Brady. - Jesse made me drink fruit water out of a pick up bed water stand on Hwy 99 E. What makes you laugh the most? My funny memory with Jesse is when we went to Mexican ice cream together. I doubted Jesse about how good Mexican Ice Cream was. I left with 4 different popsicles and a milkshake because of Jesse. Favorite memory with Jesse? One of my favorite memory’s with the soon to be Ponce’s happened over the years. It was obvious that Darlyn and Jesse had chemistry for each other. Both of them are great friends and I knew that they were a perfect match. For years, I would give them a hard time about going on a date with each other. Years down the road, I finally got the news they were making it official. Fun fact about yourself? I enjoy a tall glass of Agua de Pina.

Breanna Thurber


How do you know Darlyn? I have known Darlyn since 2008, you can do the math! ;) I met her the summer before freshman year of high school. We met through mutual friends at a late night neighborhood hang out. Freshman year we ended up having several classes together, with orchestra being the best that we shared. The rest is history! Two truths and a lie? - I have 2 doggies - My fav color is black - I can line dance What makes you laugh the most? Stand-up comedy or wipeout videos. They get me every time. Favorite memory with Darlyn? Darlyn and I share so many memories that are so dear to me, but one that comes to mind first is Country Music Festival! Fun fact about yourself? Darlyn and I both got our varsity letters in track! No, we did not run or jump, we were throwers. Amanda wishes she was as good as us ;)

Jonny Ellis


How do you know Jesse? I met Jesse through work over 4 years ago when I first got hired as a recruit. I remember Jesse being super nice to me even though I was a clueless recruit. Over time as I worked with Jesse I got to know him on a personal level. Jesse is one of the most genuine and down to earth people you will ever meet. Two truths and a lie? - I hate tomatoes - I am colorblind - I enjoy watching the bachelorette What makes you laugh the most? Literally everything… but also a good dad joke or well placed pun. Favorite memory of Jesse? One of my favorite memories of Jesse is when he pregamed for my dry wedding and showed up wasted. Now the tables have turned and I can’t wait to get trashed at his wedding. I also enjoyed the game night at his house that turned into a Latino dance party. I never knew Jesse had moves like Jagger. Fun fact about yourself? When I was in the fourth grade I got mad playing foursquare and kicked the ball on top of the roof. Thus ruining the game for everyone else. The recess aids made me sit against the wall the rest of recess and I cried.

Brittany Martin


How do you know Darlyn? We met through mutual friends- Bre and Mandie! Two truths and a lie? - I was the first grandchild to go to college in my family - I go to Disney Land every year with my family - I drive a Jeep What makes you laugh the most? My friends / nephews and watching Netflix comedy series Favorite memory with Darlyn? Every memory is the best! But probably the day at the boat house, relaxing and floating! Fun fact about yourself? I love to cook and rarely ever use a recipe

Travis White


How do you know Jesse? We got hired together over 6 years ago. When I first met him, he played hard to get, and pretended like I was weird but I saw right through him. I knew we were going to be close friends whether he liked it or not! Fortunately for me he decided fairly quick he could not avoid his fate. Two truths and a lie? - I am basically a pro at Clash Royal. - I love candy corn. - Me and my son built our own igloo and slept in it. What makes me laugh the most? Adorable animal videos, or people epically failing in painful ways. Favorite memory of Jesse? Watching Jesse get tunnel vision on an armed robbery suspect after the victim yelled there he is and pointed him out a few hundred yards away. Jesse exited out the back door of the hotel and ran, or tried to run across the covered swimming pool. I about died laughing watching him hop around on the pool cover, with his gun in the air, while slowly sinking. Fortunately he only sank to his knees and was able to wade out of the pool. We did catch the suspect and later Jesus had to change his pants. Fun fact about yourself? I love working with my hands. There isn’t anything I can’t build or fix.

Kathryn Sain


How do you know Darlyn? We work together, she was the first person to befriend me when I started. Two truths and a lie? -I convinced my friends I was color blind in middle school -I snorkeled the Great Barrier Reef -I was president of a college club that cleaned up trash along the highway What makes you laugh the most? When people snort! Favorite memory with Darlyn? Making our supervisors uncomfortable and then cackling about it 🤣 Fun fact about yourself? I have 3 brothers

Christopher Chester

Best Brother/Groomsman

How do you know Darlyn? One day when I was young. I began having conscious thoughts and I realized there was another smaller human in my household. That was my sister. Little did I know that over the years we went from fighting like cats and dogs to being something else entirely. That something was that she will always be my sister, but now she’s forever my best friend too. Two truths and a lie? - My favorite hobby is Woodworking. - My favorite food is Papa Murphys pizza. - My favorite thing to learn about is Greek Mythology. What makes you laugh the most? This is a tough one, I have a few friends that I can always count on to give me that “gut clenching” laugh that makes you cry. Some people really dislike family gatherings, my family gatherings usually consist of my sister and I making hilarious side comments back and forth so that makes me laugh a lot too. Favorite memory with Darlyn? I don’t know how I could possibly pick only one as her brother… There are countless vacations, beach trips, jokes shared, and times that were had. Fun fact about yourself? It pains me to talk about myself, but I suppose that a fun fact is that I was born with an extra thumb (now removed) on one hand, I also was born with a slight hearing loss, and until just recently I had bad vision (Thank you Lasik). You could say I hit the “genetic jackpot” when it came to small things wrong with me. Despite all of this, I am still more hilarious then my sister, who would of thought!

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