Matron of Honor
Way back in the day we shared a womb and ever since then my life has been better for it! I can't think of a single day she hasn't inspired me. - Dana
Best Man
The oldest brother of the Pryor brother sandwich. Couldn't imagine life without our adventures. - Josh
She quickly became an honorary roomie at UF, and is one of my funniest friends without a doubt! - Dana
The youngest brother of the Pryor brother sandwich. Life just isn't the same without a little brother. - Josh
A mentor turned bestie, and she will always be one of my wisest and most loving friends! - Dana
One of those friends you just can't get rid of after so many years. - Josh
We became close friends at UF, and have been roomies for manyyyy years of school since then (but I wouldn't want it any other way). She is one of the most thoughtful people I know! - Dana
Cousins with the same name (yup, you read that right). At least he's a good guy. - Josh
One of my roomies from undergrad, who consistently remains one of my most encouraging friends. And as a side note, she also makes some of the best dance party playlists around! - Dana
Known for being both very tall and a great brother-in-law. - Josh
We've been friends since middle school, and that alone is enough to show she is one of the most loyal people I know! - Dana
Ring Bearer
My favorite nephew (and not just because he's my only nephew). - Josh
Flower Girl
My incredibly adorable soon-to-be niece! - Dana