There is plenty of parking we do ask how ever that u leave the wheelchair parking and a spot for the bride and grooms arrivel and exit vehicles a spot up front as well
Absolutely. We both love kids and family is family. We do ask that you keep an eye on them.
We do! We do! we do! Please note; you don’t have to get us anything your presents is all we really want. It is here on out website under wedding registry
Right here is where everything will be kept up to date. Thank you
You can feel more than free to contact us through messenger on Facebook or text our phones
August 21 2024. that way we can make sure u have a seat and some yummy food
We ask that you don’t take pictures during the ceremony. We have photographers that are extremely good at what they do. We also would like to be the first to post about our wedding on our own. The reception how ever you can take all the videos and photos to make your heart happy
only the one and only laura mcelroy messer you can find her of facebook