Cynthia was working with a friend of Robert's at chain pizza restaurant which shall remain un-named. The friend gave Cynthia Robert's number to start a conversation after telling her that he thought Cynthia was cute. From there many late night conversations with mac & cheese and ice cream behind said pizza restaurant lead to us starting to date. Through many trails and tribulations we managed to make it to the point that he finally popped the question.
After living together for a couple years through roommates, multiple moves, and other trails of life the hints got loud enough that I figured it was time to pop the question before I scared her off for good. With barely a plan in place and a ring resized we set off to Covington Georgia home of The Vampire Dairies', Mystic Falls town square. After a nice lunch we went up to the roof of Mystic Grill and with the clock tower in the background, I said "Well now's as good a time as any. Cynthia Ortiz-Oyola, will you marry me?". One agonizing pause later she said YES! And of course I had to kneel in front of a beam to screw up the photo.
After a traumatizing accident on I-95 South in GA in August of 2019, I didn't know what to do. Robert made in impulsive decision to get in his car and drove the 5 1/2 hours to be my knight in shining armor, annnnnddd that is when I knew... I was stuck. Fast Forward 2 Years - On a trip to visit his parents, we were struggling to come up with places to visit. I had come up with the idea of going to Covington because his mother and I both enjoyed The Vampire Diaries. After a confusing morning in which his mother was crying about her camera not working, and short drive later we had finally made it to Mystic Falls. #TeamDamon! Lunch at the Grill, and touring signed menus, we made it to the roof top terrace. As a female, I had dragged him to a corner bar (which was the beam the bar table sat on) and that's when the idiot kneeled down and asked me to marry him. The point of view I had was sweet but the man could have picked a better place like the big oak tree in the town center.