Guests who prefer to drive will find plenty of parking available in the lot adjacent to the venue and along the streets. Signs will direct you to the parking lot entrance off Avenida de Acacias. Parking is free and does not have any time restrictions. Overnight parking is allowed. Pick-up of cars parked overnight is by 12:00 PM. Please do not drink and drive.
Yes. No stairs are required and the restrooms are ADA compliant. Guests parking in the lot may use the sidewalk as a ramp to enter the venue.
The wedding ceremony will be outside on a grass lawn. Cocktail hour will be outside on the covered patio. Dinner and dancing will be indoors with air conditioning.
The reception ends at 10:00 PM and guests must leave the venue by 10:30 PM due to local ordinances regarding quiet hours. The venue will stop serving alcohol at 9:30 PM.
Yes, you will be prompted to RSVP for each person in your household/group to each event you are invited to. This will help us get a proper headcount for food & drinks.
The historical daily average temperature for Rancho Santa Fe in May is 70 degrees Fahrenheit, with the high rarely exceeding 80 degrees and the low rarely falling below 60 degrees. The chance of rain is 10% or less. Please be sure to check the weather forecast as we get closer to the date for more accurate weather conditions, so that you can dress accordingly.
We will try to add additional FAQs to this page as we get closer to the event. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please feel free to text Ali (323) 633-1543 or Curtis (206) 407-6601.