We met senior year of high school in a fortunate merging of friend groups and only a few strategic class changes. “You’re in this class, too?! No way!” I (Josh) quickly found myself falling for Caroline after our first couple of dates. When college decision time came, we chose to go to separate schools, but were both determined to continue dating. Thanks to FaceTime and Interstate-81, going to separate schools wasn’t an issue. But with that said, after an estimated 900 hours on FaceTime and 22,000 miles driven to visit each other, we were both very excited to live in the same town again. Jumping ahead a bit, getting engaged as high-school sweethearts is an incredible experience because having known each other for 6 years, we know precisely how to make each other happy, how to manage disagreements with love, and how to support each other to continue becoming the people we want to be. Here’s to all the incredible family and friends who have supported us along the way. We can’t wait to celebrate with you all this October!