Unfortunately, due to space constraints, we are unable to accommodate for children at this time. We ask that you please make prior accommodations for your needs. We appreciate your understanding.
Wickenburg, Arizona is approximately an hour and 15 minutes from Sky Harbor Airport. The halfway point from Wickenburg and Phoenix is Surprise, Arizona.
Due to space constraints, we are limited on guests for the ceremony and reception. When you RSVP, if you have been allotted a guest, it will allow you to enter their information. For any questions or concerns, please contact cortez.cassie2023@gmail.com We appreciate your understanding.
We have found several hotels that are in close proximity to the wedding venue. You can find our suggestions on the page labeled "Travel". You are also more than welcome to explore other accommodations.
Following the ceremony, there will be a short period for light appetizers and the bar will be available for drinks. Once the wedding party has concluded with photos, dinner will be served.