The Gallagher is ~40 minutes from Buffalo, NY. We have compiled a list of lodging accommodations very close to the Gallagher.
Complimentary shuttle service to local hotels
Additional lodging accommodations may be available. Please call/text Emily or Corey
Comfort Inn and Suites Medina
2 miles from Gallagher. 54 rooms
11591 Maple Ridge Road, Medina, NY, 14103, US
(585) 798-6777
Hart House Hotel
1 mile from Gallagher. 8 rooms available
Bent’s Opera House
1 mile from Gallagher. 10 rooms available.
BunkHaus Hostel
1 mile from Gallagher
Oak Orchard Stays
Fair Haven Inn 11 miles from Gallagher. Sleeps 18 between all cottages