
Converse & Crystal

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

The Wedding Website of Converse Fields and Crystal Voss
Meet our family and friends who are walking down the aisle with us!

Mandy McCullen

Maid of Honor

Mandy and Crystal have been ride or die since their pairing as roommates at cheerleading camp in 8th grade. Crystal considers Mandy her family and feels so lucky to have had someone so trustworthy and fun-loving to rely on for absolutely anything- whether for a late-night ear or early morning (well, Crystal tries not to rely on Mandy for anything early morning but knows she'd do it) impromptu dance party. Crystal is so grateful to have her right-hand Man(dy) by her side on the most special day!

Andrea Bianchi


From their very first encounter in FIRST GRADE (when Andrea immediately started bossing Crystal around), their unique bond has transformed into a remarkable journey of shared laughter and adventures! Their inside jokes have kept them laughing for 36 years (and they don't care if no one else thinks they are funny). Andrea's unwavering loyalty and genuine thoughtfulness have been a constant source of inspiration, and Crystal credits Andrea with teaching her the meaning of true friendship.

Cheryl Lamb


Cheryl and Crystal met in the third grade. A true adventure duo, together they survived the perils of a flipped ATV, bucking horses, and maggots among other dangers. Morgan Hill parade champions, their ability to work as a team is highlighted by an unforgettable poof-poof all-nighter which led them to victory. Cheryl has been there for Crystal throughout the years and her positivity, strength and fun-loving nature has been a great influence and inspiration for Crystal. Cheryl is always up for an adventure and will always do it in style!

Beckie Wood


Crystal and Beckie are actually undecided on how they first met... it was either at a Christmas 4-H party or at a local horse trainer's barn when they were about 9 years old. True San Martin country girls, Beckie remembers one of the first times they had a play date they "washed a horse for fun." Crystal has been lucky to have Beckie as a friend, she is always smiling, always caring, and can always be counted on to add a little fringe to the party!

Adeline Fields

Junior Bridesmaid

Adeline is the other love of both of our lives and a constant source of joy! She has the kindest spirit and an ever-present smile. Crystal is SO proud to be a stepmom to Adeline, and is grateful for all the adventures they share- from paddleboarding to baking to talking to (and for) their pets. Adeline especially loves to talk about our cat, your cat, and, well, cats. Crystal feels so blessed to have Adeline at her side as they begin a new chapter in their family's journey!

Jim "Shim" Shimberg


Shim guided the rock climbing program for Converse's high school. Converse and Shim stayed in touch for the next few years, and finally started meeting up more regularly just after Adeline was born. Shim is always good for a laugh and always there in a time of need. There is nobody Converse trusts on the other end of a rope from the big walls of Yosemite to the "small walls" of Rumney. When Converse met Crystal, Shim instantly supported their relationship. When Crystal and Converse got engaged, Shim was the first person they told, and they knew there would be nobody better to officiate their wedding.

Garson Fields

Best Man

When Converse was born, Garson asked their parents if they would give him some Kielbasa when he got home from the hospital. Since then, Garson has been eager to share his favorite things with Converse. Growing up without any close neighbors, Garson and Converse spent their early years testing each-other's patience. Along the way, they have always stayed close.

Doug Enochs


Converse met Doug in 2009 while they worked together at the Ptarmigan Inn. Over the years, Doug has always been there for Converse, whether he needed a place to stay, a new career path, or just to meet up for a quick dinner or an afternoon bike ride. Doug always makes time for friends and he probably skis more than anyone you know.

Rick Wilkes


Converse met Rick early in 2020 at snowboard training in Steamboat. In years to follow, Rick and Converse traveled together to races across Europe and North America. They usually found the worst hotels and cheapest forms of transportation. These misadventures usually worked out ok despite the usual hold-ups by border patrol. Since they both retired from racing, they do not see each other often, but they are sure to send strange and/or offensive pictures and messages on a regular basis.

Anami Basail


Converse met Anami at summer camp in 2001. They ended up working together most summers up until 2013. On the rare occasion that their paths have been able to cross outside of camp, they have made visits work. At one point, Anami's grandmother thought that Converse was his boyfriend. They narrowly avoided disaster on many occasions from the cliffs of North Carolina to the projects in Chicago.

Dan Kohler


Dan and Converse met in 2015. They both had small daughters and seemingly smaller brains. In the years to follow they have shared many adventures (usually climbing) from the desert towers of Moab to the depths of the Black Canyon. Dan is always excited to push on when the going gets tough, but is equally willing to retreat to live another day. Dan and his loving family were instant supporters of Crystal when she came into Converse's life. You will have to ask him how he earned the name "Captain Underpants"

Audrey Voss

Flower Girl

Audrey is Crystal's beautiful niece. Her bright smile and loving heart always fill her auntie with joy! Crystal loves spending time with Audrey and treasures their special bond and their shared love of making funny faces and of dessert- especially cake. We can't wait to have her add a sprinkle of flowers and happiness to our wedding day!

Tristan Voss

Ring Bearer

Tristan is Crystal's nephew, and the life of the party! He is so fun and funny, you can't be around him and not smile. Crystal treasures time spent with Tristan, and loves his sweet cuddles. Tristan is also your go-to guy if you have any questions about Super Mario Bros. We are so excited to have him as our ring-bearer, symbolizing our commitment and bringing our union good luck!

For all the days along the way
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