This hotel is the closest to the venue but it is also the hotel for a local Irish Festival on the 17th. Some time in March they will open more rooms but we do not know that date yet. Please try the website or call the hotel in March as they open rooms. For those who are booked here we will be running shuttle to and from the hotel to Heron's Hollow. Shuttle Times: 3:45pm and 4:15pm
This hotel is about 15-18 minutes from the venue. We do not have a block currently but we will have a shuttle leaving at 3:45pm.
This is the second closest hotel to the venue. We do not have a block but please try it and see if it fits for your weekend. Shuttle to leave at 3:45pm
June 17, 2023 3:45 pm - 10:30 pm
Shuttle Times: Holiday Inn: 3:45pm Hampton Inn: 3:45pm & 4:15pm Jackson B&B: 3:45pm
BWI is an hour from Heron's Hollow.
Harrisburg Airport is an hour from Heron's Hollow.
The Philly airport is an hour and 45 min from Heron's Hollow