Matron of Honor
A sister from another mother, we've shared an indescribable bond for over 25+ years! Distance and time has never been able to keep us apart, because we're connected, by the HEART.
Maid of Honor
We've LITERALLY been connected at the hip since birth! First cousins, first go to, and have shared nearly all of our FIRSTs together! We make magical memories each and every time we are together, and I am so happy that we'll experience some of that magic together on my 'magical' day that I'll marry the Prince that we used to read about in our fairy tale stories.
Maid of Honor
MONICA!!!!! (Inside Joke) This Cajun beauty is a Beast & a Boss & I am blessed to have her as my baby's God Mother, mathematician, sister and friend. As soon as she helps me tie this knot, I am looking forward to helping her unravel and tie a knot or two herself! Lol. It doesn't matter what, or when I know for certain that I can count on her and to have her stand beside me on this new journey means so very much to me.
Special Bridemaid
Yes, I know, for someone who has no 'sisters', I have A LOT of 'sisters'. Lol. But just know, the title is certainly earned, not given. The youngest of us all, but one of the most wise, and genuine people that I know! Heart of gold; intentions always pure. Ready to laugh, cry, party, ride or fight without any questions asked. Solid. And I love her to pieces. She's seen me crumbled nearly to pieces, with very little fight in me left and to have her stand along by my side as I am rebuilt, and made whole again, I'll forever be grateful.
Our roller coaster friendship needs no explanation. It's been exciting. Its been up. It's been down. The rides were fun, and sometimes scary. But each thrill has made us closer. We've lost some on the rides, but we'll always ride together and for each other. No matter what. Now tighten your seat belt. This ride will be the best yet!
Almost every memory of my adolescence years involves this queen! They say birds of a feather flock together, we'll we're PISCES baby and SWIM together! Sure to NEVER drown! There may be plenty of fish in the sea, but none quite like Ash & T!! Growing up can be hard to do. You have your parents to help guide you, your teachers, aunts, uncles, church, family and then you have US. Together, we learned to be book and street smart. We learned the difference between superficial and beneficial. We also learned the true definition of 'longevity'. I am so glad that together, we'll now also have the honor to share a moment of 'infinity'.