We met Easter 2019 at a bible study Easter lunch, and continued to stay in the same bible study together. Colleen had a rule to never date anyone in her small group, and was worried that Scott was interested in her. So in November 2020, we were walking to our cars from church, when Colleen asked Scott if he was interested in anyone to make sure it wasn’t her. When he said no, Colleen blurted out, "Why aren't you guys at church dating anyone?! Women's eggs are expiring!" Apparently, it didn't scare Scott away because a few months later he started developing a crush on her. He prayed asking Jesus if he could ask Colleen out, but he felt like he was supposed to wait and continue focusing on his relationship with Jesus. Meanwhile, Scott continued to grow closer to Colleen by talking with her after church, small group, and in group settings. This allowed Colleen to feel more comfortable around Scott and get to know his character. Several months went by and Colleen went from not wanting to date anyone in her small group, to being frustrated that Scott wasn’t asking her out. She talked with two friends (Amber and Mythraie) separately about what was happening, and both of their husbands (Alex and Samir) pipped up that she could just ask Scott what he was thinking. Colleen prayed about it and asked another friend (Fremont) what he thought she should do, and he agreed that she should talk to Scott to see what his intentions were. The week she decided to ask to talk with him, Scott prayed about asking Colleen out and felt God gave him the go ahead. So on August 22nd 2021, we were able to meet during second service to have a “DTR” [Determine the relationship], and start dating.
The proposal was planned based around Colleen's (and her family's) favorite board game, Clue. Scott was able to work with his friend (Fremont) to get photos posing as a way to help Fremont get his photo blog up and running. Scott then worked with his dad who is in the graphics design and printing business to create custom copies of the Clue Cards used in a special edition version of Clue. The Cards were a head shot of Colleen and Scott along with a closeup of the engagement and wedding rings. Colleen being the detective she is started getting wise to the time frame, especially when Scott said that she couldn't skip a game night that was planned. The Clue game was then played with the custom cards in place of the actual suspect, weapon, and room cards. Colleen won without the game being rigged (just like Scott knew she would). That's when Scott pulled out the engagement ring and asked Colleen to marry him.