Matron of Honor
Since the day she was born, she's been my ride or die. Literally, I could put her on anything as a kid and say, "Hold on tight", and she would listen. She always laughs at my jokes even when they are stupid. That's how I knew, we were meant to be sisters.
My sister who is always up for the adventure. We can talk about anything from the stupid things to the serious things. If I want to go off and do something new, I know she'll be by my side.
She's my baby sister with a heart of gold and eager to make the world a better place. I love that our friendship continues to grow as she grows up before my eyes. I swear it wasn't that long ago, I was holding her hand and walking to her first day of school.
We met going to a trip to Germany in high school. We became life-long friends who can dance and do all the silly things. I even convinced her to dress in ridiculous clothes to go visit a big rock and drink kool-aid. Just regular ol' kool-aid, not spiked or arsenic.
Best Man
My Brother who has been a huge crutch for me to lean on since I moved to Omaha. Between letting me stay at their house while I settled in to town, to picking me up from the E.R. There's nothing quite like having a brother that will always have your back through the good and bad.
Where do I start with this guy!?!? If I have a horrible idea, Owen will always be there to laugh at me... and with me. Growing up together there's tons of memories like riding our bicycles across town amidst a tornado warning or playing in the flood control after a rain storm. Just a couple of boys being boys.
When a 36 year old man meets a 12 year old boy at church, this is the relationship you get! Let me back up a step or two... I never would have imagined raising funds for a mission trip to Mexico would result in one of the strongest most reliable friendships I could ask for. Craig has shown me over the years many different construction principals and life lessons that have helped developed me into the man I am today.
"Raise hell Praise Dale #3" Cook was the first guy I met in Omaha that I could really connect with. Having similar interest of dirt track racing and motorcycles really solidified our brotherhood. He "got" me! I always have liked that he has stayed true to who he is, honest and loyal! For a good time call 402-741-****This man is the real deal!