Located about an hour away from Lake Geneva, WI. Airport code ORD
Located about an hour away from Lake Geneva, WI. Airport code MKE
Where the Bride & Groom will be staying :) Cutoff Date: March 21st, 2023 To book a room at Grand Geneva or Timber Ridge at Grand Geneva please call the hotel.
Discount Code - Dewsnap-Weiss Wedding Block
Booking link to room block rate- https://www.marriott.com/events/start.mi?id=1655237460643&key=GRP Last Day to Book: Monday, March 20, 2023
Discount Code - Dewsnap-Weiss Wedding Block
Call front desk team at (262) 249 9460 Ext. 0. Payment: At the time of making the reservation, guests will be asked to pay the first night as their deposit. Cutoff: Guests will have until Monday, March 20, 2023, to reserve the blocked suites.
Discount Code - Dewsnap-Weiss Wedding Block or account number #4384