NAME OF EVENT: O'Keefe Czolgosz Wedding Room Block REFERENCE #: M-LOZXSNA OFFICIAL PROGRAM DATES: Thursday, 03/24/2022 - Sunday, 03/27/2022 METHOD OF RESERVATIONS: Reservations for the Event will be made by individual attendees directly with Marriott reservations at 1 800-325-3535 or through a reservation link. GUARANTEED RESERVATIONS: All reservations must be accompanied by a first night room deposit or guaranteed with a major credit card or O'Keefe Czolgosz Wedding Room Block. Hotel will not hold any reservations unless secured by one of the above methods. CUT-OFF DATE: Reservations by attendees must be received on or before Thursday, March 3, 2022, (the Cut-Off Date´). At the Cut-Off Date, Hotel will review the reservation pick up for the Event, release the unreserved rooms for general sale, and determine whether or not it can accept reservations based on a space- and rate-available basis at the O'Keefe Czolgosz Wedding Room Block group rate after this date.
Discount Code - REFERENCE #: M-LOZXSNA