About four years ago Lawrence and I had actually met before meeting.We both worked at NOSC Atlanta, Lawrence being active and myself being a reservist. One day I received a friend request on Facebook from someone who looked familiar but didn't really know who it was. I accepted due to having mutual friends. Then about a week later, he began messaging me. We messaged for a couple days and then he disappeared. Two weeks later, he messaged again. I was confused at first, he seemed to be flirting with me, but wasn't exactly sure. Then one night, he asked me to dinner for an upcoming Friday night. I was nervous, and had to work that night, but agreed to meet. All during my shift I couldn't wait to meet up with him. We had our first date and then stayed up all night talking and getting to know each other better.
It was two days before we were set to embark on our adventure in New York. We were staying at a local hotel, due to our house already being packed up. Little Lawrence was staying at a friends to say goodbye, and Riley was with her grandparents for the same reason. We were just hanging around relaxing when he disappeared for a moment. When I looked back to find him, he was crouched next to me with ring in hand. It was beyond perfect. A little speech about what I meant to him and I said "YES!". Immediately afterward he stated, "well you already agreed to move with me, might as well give you a ring"... isn't he romantic...lol