How we met is actually a very funny story! My cousin, my best friend, and I were all eating at canes when Bradley facetimed my cousin. I repeatedly said how cute Bradley was, thinking he was way younger than I was! My cousin ended up handing me the phone when she got up to get the food and Bradley and I awkwardly talked, LOL. After leaving canes and bringing my cousin home, I heard that Bradley kept begging for my phone number so I told her she could give it to him! From there, we facetimed many, many times and the rest is history!
The day of our engagement is actually my birthday! Bradley tells the story the best, but explained to me that he had the ring hidden for a few weeks (IDK how I never found the ring, lol) and just didn't know when he was going to propose. The morning of my birthday, we were getting dressed for church and he explains that something told him to go get the ring from his truck and keep it in his pocket. When we got to church, I sat next to my parents and Bradley was on my right side. He claims that the ring was on his left side so I was supposed to sit on the opposite side, but how was I supposed to know, lol! The entire time at church, Bradley acted so strange and wouldn't let me touch his side! He explained to me that it was because the ring was there. He also explained that he felt God tell him to propose after church. That is exactly what he did! He proposed to me right outside of the church, in front of my favorite priest and my parents. I don't think it could have been more perfect <3
Walmart: Bed Bath & Beyond: