Our first trip to Crete together, where Chris decided he was going to marry me for some reason.
Cretan Vineyards
Seitan Limania in Crete, where Chris miraculously managed to not to kill us driving down the epic steep and winding cliffs. Worth it!
Kalathas, our Greek “hometown”
Our last day on our first trip to Greece together.
New York. Our first trip together, where Chris broke his vegan streak (he blames me) and somehow decided he loved me.
One of our first dates together at the Nats game in DC. We threw peanuts and got yelled at.
Clementine, who introduced us, realizing at a work party at the Lithuanian embassy that we were indeed crazy enough to like each other.
Our strongest (literally, before we ran off all our muscle) wedding pic, in honor of Fred and Amanda getting hitched!
Our first half marathon, one of many runs--including a full marathon--we successfully (read: forcibly) completed together. This trip also included a little visit with Lauren Labra for some dank sushi.
Trip to Israel, where our international jobs let us cross paths for a quick weekend adventure.
Hiking Old Rag Mountain at record speeds, because everything we do is a race or a competition.
My first time on the West Coast. Adventure to LA, where Kostas, Chris, and I ran obscene distances had to scooter around the rest of the time. Kostas also became a surfing prodigy.
My favorite picture of us, courtesy of Ben and Catherine's gorgeous wedding in Portugal!
How we spent the summer of 2018, in Walmart telling Rick and Morty jokes with Nick and Teddy.
In my hometown of Pittsburgh visiting my family. Chris is still mastering the yinzer accent 🤷🏻♀️
Mondloch family reunion. Happy to report I will not need to be cut out of these photos now that we're getting married.
The proposal moment at my family's favorite Italian restaurant in Naples, Florida, where we've been vacationing since I was 12.
The moment after the proposal, at our classiest.
Being normies, after which we were yelled at to promptly return to our table and finish dinner.