Christine and Chris are quite the opposites. Christine is loud, outgoing, emotional and very easily amused. While, Chris is calm, mellow, simple & keeps his composure well. Christine has always been the creative one & can guess Chris' next move.. but not this time.. On Easter 2017, Allyssa, planned an Easter brunch for her family. Prior, Chris told Christine that his family was having a brunch after church and that he would have to skip out of brunch with Christine's family. Christine understood and Chris went to his family after church. Meanwhile Christine and her family headed to brunch at Herringbone Restaurant in La Jolla. Arrived at a packed restaurant, Christine instantly noticed the beautiful design & music... but was also drawn to the cute Easter bunny hopping around handing out easter eggs. The bunny stops at their table & hands Christine's mom & grandmother birthday flower bouquets! Just like Christine would, she got excited and egged everyone on to sing Happy Birthday! The bunny continued hopping to other tables as Christine stayed fixated on the bunny especially after it came by and danced with her. Couple minutes later, the bunny came by & gave her a basket of all her favorite goodies that she gave up for lent (favorite ice cream, favorite chocolate & cookies) Christine was in complete awe and a little confused but couldn't figure anything out & was grateful that the restaurant was so thoughtful to hire a bunny! Minutes later... the bunny came back with a final gift. A gold egg, containing Keedo's dog tag. Then she got it and started to look for Chris. The bunny takes her hand as Christine assumes Chris is about to walk in the room.. NOPE. Instead, the bunny takes the costume hat off and BOOM.. It was her future husband all along! "Christine, I love you just as much as I love your family, but I don't want to call it Your family or My family... (gets down on one knee with a beautiful pear shaped ring) I want to call it OUR family.. Will You Marry Me?"