It was the summer of love in 2010! Tara and Chet were introduced by bridesmaid Katherine Bell at The Cove on Long Lake on a bright, warm Saturday afternoon. On the way out to the lake, Katherine told Tara about her cute neighbors and couldn't wait until she could come over to meet her new friends. Upon arrival, Katherine exclaims, "Oh, my neighbors are here!" What were the odds. Chet sees his neighbor, Katherine, accompanied by her cute blonde friend and starts to swim from the middle of the lake back into shore to say hello. By this time, Tara and Katherine jumped in the water from shore and started swimming out to everyone. Swimming closer and closer to each other, afraid he'll miss his chance for his intended shore greeting, Chet says, "hey, your really pretty!" Tara smiles and replies, "thanks dude!" and they continue swimming their separate directions. From there, the day progressed to sharing snacks at shore, showing off their moves at the rope swing and sharing a ride home at the end of the day. Chet and Tara hung out with each other every single day since; from motorcycle rides and going to the lake to meeting family and going camping. All of the things the couple enjoyed during a bright, warm summer; the summer of love.