
Grace & Kyle

    Schedule of Events

Grace Chesson


Kyle Hawley

September 4, 2023

Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

Meet Cute

Friends of Friends

Kyle and Grace met during the summer of 2020 at a mutual friend's backyard BBQ. Kyle immediately noticed Grace and asked his friends where they had been hiding this girl the entire time he had been living in DC! Later in the summer, after a couple more outdoor meet-ups with friends, Kyle got Grace's number from a friend. And that was when he panicked and did absolutely nothing with her number. It wasn't until a couple months later at a Halloween movie backyard party that he finally told her he was very interested (while also apologizing incessantly for doing nothing with her number earlier) and she agreed to a date.

The Proposal

Who Says a Cemetery Can't be Romantic?

Kyle and Grace lived in the Capitol Hill East neighborhood of DC nearby the massive Congressional Cemetery, which also functions as a dog park - a favorite location for their dog, Zola, to run around and play. It quickly became their place and weekend mornings would find Grace and Kyle strolling Congressional's tree-lined paths. And so, the morning after Grace returned from a two-week trip to Africa in April 2022, Kyle led her around a specific route in Congressional and surprised her by popping the question. With the help of close friends and Grace's sister, Joslyn, the entire moment was captured from four different angles.

The Sequel

First Comes Marriage, then a Move, then another Wedding!

In March 2022, Grace was offered a rotation in the United Kingdom, set to begin in the fall. Kyle was thrilled with the idea of living abroad and they decided to accept! What they didn't know was that they needed to officially tie the knot ASAP to allow Kyle to accompany Grace as a family member (how romantic!). This information surfaced in late-May, and Grace and Kyle immediately reached out to their parents to schedule an impromptu ceremony. Just a few weeks later, on June 16, with Grace's mom, Kathleen, officiating, Kyle and Grace said their "I do's" surrounded by their immediate family in Kathleen and step-dad Allen's beautiful McLean, VA backyard. It could not have been more perfect. Grace and Kyle made their trans-Atlantic move in November 2022 and are thrilled to be able to welcome friends and family to the UK for a long-overdue celebration!

For all the days along the way
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