March 14, 2020
Mobile, AL

We’re Getting Married!!

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Meet some of the most influential and important people in our lives.

Mandee Conkle

Matron of Honor

When you think of the epitome of a best friend of 20 years, this is what you hope and pray it looks like! We met at the end of highschool and there was no getting around us being friends. We were continuously put into each other's lives, from pledging the same sorority, dating the same guys (ha!), sharing the same friend circle, working at the same place multiple times, her marrying a friend of mine from high school, and the list goes on! I'm so extremely fortunate to have her by my side, NOT on this special day, but every day!

Kristin Wilson


My sister, but MOST importantly, one of my BEST friends! She knows me better than I know myself and who I always know I can come to to hear the COMPLETE truth or just laugh and cry with! I'm so lucky to have you, Kris,and thank you for all you do for me and for ALWAYS having my back NO matter what! I love you!

Grace Williams


My forever friend, it's just a HUGE perk I can also call her my sister! I truly feel sad for anyone that doesn't have a Grace in their lives. Her selfless spirit and unbelievably positive attitude are absolutely contagious and have always made this BIG sis of hers want to be a better person and someone worthy enough for her to look up to! Thank you sweet Gra-Gra for always being such a BRIGHT light in my life! I can't wait to live this life with you and Connor and make even more memories!

Sarah Williams


To know Sarah is to love her, immediately! She stole my heart from the instant I became her bis sis 25 years ago AND she continues to make my heart smile SO big as I watch her attack life so successfully and with such coolness and class. She makes me so insanely proud of what all she's already achieved and I can NOT wait to continue to watch her set this world on fire with that brilliant mind of hers and sweet soul! Thank you, my yellow-loving, witty, OTF-aholic, hard-working, and compassionate little bird for being such a constant friend and confidant to your big sis! I love you to pieces!!

Aubrie Rafferty


Best friend from high school who I'm so incredibly grateful chose me to be her friend and talk to at cheerleading tryouts those MANY years ago!! I've maybe seen this happy girl NOT happy twice in my life and her genuine and loving soul has made her the BEST friend to me through the years! There has never been a time I felt she wasn't there for me- even through ALL these (too many) years of our long-distance friendship! (Truth to be told, I'm still anxiously awaiting that phone call of her telling me she's moving back-hint, hint) Until then, i'll cherish every exciting phone call I've got from her from the engagement to the announcement of sweet Avery and Rhodes! You are a rockstar wife, mom, sister, and friend and I'm so incredibly grateful for you my sweet Aubs!! Thank you!!

Rylee Davis

Junior Bridesmaid

My gorgeous godchild and who first made me an aunt! She loves to read and play games while also taking random adventures with her Aunt! Love this girl SO VERY MUCH!! Her sweet spirit is undeniable!

Reagan Wilson

Flower Girl

My sweet sassypants of a niece! Her love for life is so contagious and she is sure to entertain you during her walk down the aisle =)

Lila Jane Williams

Flower Girl

My sweet soul of a niece! I just love her tiny voice and energy for life! I'm sure she will look like nothing less than an angel on this special day!

David Catlett

Best Man

Forrest Catlett


Justin Rodenbaugh


Craig Boudreaux


Donnie Mrozco


Will Catlett

Ring Bearer

For all the days along the way
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