We met at Kegs & Eggs 2017 held at the Kansas City renaissance festival grounds. Chelsea had gone with her parents and Jeremy with a group of his close friends. As we were standing in line I had gotten a sample and had stopped and asked this group of people if they had heard of an app called Untappd, a beer tracking/information app but before they asked more questions Chelsea had wondered off. Later in the day she was standing in line at the "Not your Fathers" line to try their drinks with her father. She feels a tap on her shoulder and turn to see Jeremy. We started talking and notice everyone had disappeared. The event called out last call so we traded phone numbers and have ever since been inseparable. From trying breweries around Kansas City to road trips to places we've never been it has been a whirlwind few years. We can't wait to build our lives together and continue on this journey of life. #FutureFarmer