Their story started when Chelsea went to study abroad at San Diego, CA in 2017. She went on solo travel to Toronto, Canada and fates detoured her planned flight back to San Diego due to an unexpected snowstorm in the Spring. (I know it's funny, snowstorm in the Spring time) On April 1st, 2017, Chelsea's flight landed on Los Angeles in which her mutual friend, Erika came to pick her up and showered her with hospitality and love. She invited Chelsea to hike up the Wisdom Tree trail in Griffith Park with her small ministry group. Coincidently, Fredy, also being a member of the group, volunteered to pick the two girls up with his car and it was his first time where he met Chelsea. ♡ Since then, their lives started to intertwine together and fates brought them together after years of growth and patience learnt in Christ. Now, they are finally tying the knot.