
Victoria & Shaun

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We're getting married!


Victoria Zauel


Shaun Churches

October 19, 2024

Brighton, MI
47 days47 d18 hours18 h35 minutes35 min39 seconds39 s

How We Met


We met at my friend's wedding, which was Shaun's cousin, Madison. I'll spare the details of the night, ya'll know I love a good wedding. It went something like this, me yelling at Shaun's grandpa for taking something, Craig playing HIMYM, introducing us and pawning me off onto Shaun, ending with my roommate, Kaitlyn, making fun of him because his mom still tells him what to do. We got each other's numbers and that was enough to start us off. Neither of us have any game.

First Date


I had just started nursing school, living in Brighton and Shaun living in Saint Clair Shores. We went to Blakes for our first date. I drove out to his house, only to have his electricity shut off when I got there - LOL. Our drive to Blakes was interesting, we learned real quick we don't like ANY of the same music. 90s alternative is just about the only mutual genre we have landed on. We go to Blakes every September to celebrate our first date.

Moving In


Nursing school is done, time to move to "the city". Friends and family helped me move (couldn't do it without them). I moved in with Shaun and Tyler and we became close as ever, 3 peas in a pod. We had already roadtripped all 3 of us to Colorado, we know how to deal with one another.



I planned and booked a trip to Washington state. Shaun had little to do with the planning so when people asked if Shaun was proposing, I was like ... there's no way, he doesn't even know where we're going. I had picked a hike, which also was WAY harder than I expected - now I know to research hikes a little bit more, and be more prepared. We were 2 hours in, the end of the maintained trail, almost to the top, rock slide on the other mountain, I'm like nah we're good we can go back now. Shaun wouldn't let me bail, so up the spine of the mountain we went. To my surprise, there was more than just the view at the top. So incredibly happy he made me go to the top and we risked our lives for that because that was truly the best day of my life.


Shaun and I love to travel and have already been so many places together. We have been to Chicago two times. First time we took the train and was our first trip together! A few years later, we took a cousins trip to visit his cousin Josh who was there for Navy bootcamp. We took a roadtrip with Tyler to Colorado to snowboard in the mountains. When roadtripping, we like to stop at breweries and check out new places. Stopping along the way was so much fun. Figuring out life with these two makes my heart so happy. I am so excited to be gaining another brother. On the way home, we stopped at the Gateway Arch in St Louis. We went to Mexico as a family trip for Shaun's aunt's wedding. Shaun and I did a day trip excursion to Chichen Itza and swam in a cenote. Add in my family trips, Myrtle Beach, Outer Banks, and New York. We road tripped down to Outer Banks with my brothers and sister in law. Whenever we do my family vacations, it's the worst weather and we get stuck inside majority of the time. We pass time with the games tho. We've been on multiple trips around the great Mitten state. Wineries in Traverse City and more weddings on the west side. The last trip was Washington. We went whale watching and hiking in Olympic National Park. Oh, and got engaged! Next up on our list is Ireland in September with two of our closest friends.

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