July 4, 2024
Paris, TX

Reagan & Chase

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Rylie Swindall

Maid of Honor

My sister and my best friend! She is my closest friend and I can't imagine this day without her standing next to me. She is the person I played dress up with as a kid and now she is helping me pick out my wedding dress. There is no bond like the one I have with her! If I could only have one person standing next to me it would be Rylie. You have been my best friend for the last 17 years and you will be my best friend forever(:

Mckenna Saul


Mckenna and I have been friends for over 10 years now. We played soccer together growing up and I was blessed enough to get to play at Arkansas with her as well. She has taught me what loyalty means by the friend she has been to me. Mckenna is the person I know will be with me through every milestone in life. I can't wait to be 85 and still joking about our college soccer days. I love you and it means the world to have you standing next to me!!

Delaney Snyder


I know Jesus better by knowing Delaney. God has been in every detail in our friendship, and he introduces us then I needed a friend most. I couldn't have gotten through my last year of college without her. Delaney is also one of the most selfless people you will ever know. She is getting married 3 weeks before me and has been kind enough to not only share the spotlight with me, but to celebrate me so genuinely. I love you and I couldn't of planned this wedding without all of your help.

Sarah Collins


My long distance turned short distance best friend! Sarah is the friend who has always let me be 100% myself and loved me even more for it. She was the person I had weekly catch up calls with, 5 hour drives to see each other, and vacation buddy all throughout college. Sarah's honesty is what started our friendship but there are a thousand reasons she became my best friend. I can't wait to celebrate my big day with you! I love you!

Kambell Coker


Kambell is the definition of kindness. She is the friend that has shown me what it means to go the extra mile for someone. Her heart is so big for others and she has such a capacity to love others that it inspires me. She has been my friend since I was 15 and has never failed to put the effort in for our friendship. She was my best friend in high school and she is still my best friend today. Thank you for how special and celebrated you have made me feel this engagement season! I love you!

Haley Claterbaugh


Haley is a friend that I've been lucky enough to grow up with. We played softball together when we were little and my dad was coaching us, then we got to play high school together in high school, and now we are getting to plan our weddings together! Haley is the friend that I grab coffee with a we sit there for hours and hours because we just can't stop talking. This friendship feel like home to me(: I will always be in your corner! I love you Hay Hay!!

Carlee Caldwell


The friend that has been mistaken for my sister about a thousand times! Carlee and I went to school together starting in kinder, but became best friends in 4th grade. We got along because she was close to how tomboy I was lol. No matter what stage of life we are in we always seem to pick right back up where we left off! Carlee is one of my oldest friends and because of that she is one of my most special friends. We grew up together and I can't imagine my big day without her. Thank you for how kind you have been to Chase and I in this engagement season. I love you! P.S. Chase and I had only been seeing each other for 3 weeks when Carlee and I were eating dinner in Colorado together. I was telling her about "the PT boy from last year that I ran into again and was seeing." When the conversation ended she told me that she knew I was going to marry Chase from the way I talk about him. In fact, she said "I give it 6 months before yall are engaged." We were engaged 3 months after that night(:

Tara Swindall

Mother of the Bride

One of the two most influential people in my life. There are not enough kind words to say about my mom. She is my best friend, encourager, protector, secret keeper, and so much more. Everything I know about loving others comes from the way she has loved me. She has sacrificed to make my dreams come true and there are not enough thank yous to express how grateful I am for her. Not only has she been an amazing mom to me, but I have had the privilege of watching her be a wife to my dad. I will be a better wife and mom from seeing the way she has sacrificed and loved our family. I love you and I'm so excited to share this day with you!

John David Swindall

Father of the Bride

The other most influential person in my life. I always said I wanted to marry someone just like my dad and I've always admired the way my dad loves my mom us kids. He has always been superman to me! I love Chase because of how much he reminds me of my dad. Although I am excited for this next stage of life, I will always be my dad's little girl. I love you!(:

Ricky Stricklin

Father of the Groom

Loretta Stricklin

Mother of the Groom

Cody Stricklin

Best Man

Josh Campbell


Ryan Ridgeway


Landon Roberts


Jeremy Richards


Alex Hakes


Calvin West


For all the days along the way
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