Thank you everyone from the bottom of our hearts. Our day couldn't have gone any more perfect and we are incredibly grateful for all the love and support. - Charlie and Todd
Thank you everyone from the bottom of our hearts. Our day couldn't have gone any more perfect and we are incredibly grateful for all the love and support. - Charlie and Todd
October 23, 2021
Dripping Springs, TX

Charlie & Todd

    The Wedding Party

The Wedding Party

Kaylie Schulze

Best Woman

After becoming the best of friends in early high school, Kaylie has been there with Charlie through everything. If you make a Bridesmaids or Mean Girls reference, you can bet she will be the first one to catch onto it. Kaylie was one of the first person Charlie trusted in sharing his coming out story with. Kaylie and Charlie have grown as adults and professionally together. Taking daily walks at work to get away from the stress and sure to maybe gossip a little bit too.

Emily Perdue

Best Woman

One of Todd's best friends, Emily is one he turns to for advice, counsel, and a positive outlook when times are tough. She was one of the first people Todd chose to share his coming out journey with. Emily and Todd's friendship started when they both worked at Spiceworks, an Austin tech startup. Both trained and competed together in multiple athletic events, including two Austin Marathons and several Ragnar Relays.

Kendra Fisher


Charlie met Kendra in elementary school and became close after they explored the world of stock shows and FFA together. From carnivals to hunting to judging trips, Kendra has been there for it all! Kendra and Charlie met in early grade school and have navigated almost every extra curricular together. Kendra has always been a person Charlie could trust with everything.

Drew Sollberger


Drew is one of Todd's best friends who are steadfast in times of change, discovery, and personal growth. Todd chose Drew as one of the few trusted people to share his coming out story with. Never one to judge, shame, or to invalidate anyone, Drew showed support and excitement for Todd on his journey to happiness. Drew and Todd met at an Austin startup called Spiceworks back in 2012. Drew and Todd are close friends and athletic buddies, winning multiple Ragnar Relay Trail Race championships.

Jessica Sowell


As Charlie's sister, Jessica has been there since the beginning. She has been the person he goes to with his problems. His first arch-enemy and forever best friend. Jessica was the first person Charlie shared his coming out journey with. She was also the person to helped Charlie with his journey. Funny story actually.

Megan Cooper


As Todd's only sibling, Megan is his big sister and biggest role model. Megan and Todd's relationship is one where a look says it all, state fairs are best enjoyed with a corndog and a roasted corncob, and being "loud, obnoxious, and bossy" are a proud family trait! Megan's marriage to her high school sweetheart showed Todd a strong marriage leads with the heart, is cultivated through compassion, and leans on faith for guidance.

For all the days along the way
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