4:00 PM
Our wedding begins with a kabbalat panim (welcome reception), which includes cocktail hour as well as a bride's tisch and a groom's tisch. At each tisch, we will sing and drink with family and friends. Men and women are invited to both tisches, and you can feel free to wander in and out of both. Join us whenever you can – there is no need to arrive promptly.
5:00 PM
Surrounded by family and friends and lots of singing, Max will place the veil over Charlene and Charlene will dress Max in his kittel (a white robe he'll wear at the ceremony).
5:15 PM
We will all gather in the sanctuary for the formal wedding ceremony, which includes exchanging rings, a reading of the ketubah (marriage contract), and blessing the bride of groom with the sheva brachot (seven blessings).
6:00 PM
Together we'll dance the hora, eat dinner, and dance some more!