You can make reservations by following the link below, or may call directly at (571) 209-1010. Please request the Barsanti-Vollmer wedding or by the unique group code BBW. 4 miles from St. John's 16 miles from Cana Vineyards
Discount Code - BBW
Either follow the link below or call 1-800-HILTONS, and mention the C. Barsanti Group Block or the unique code CBG to receive your group rate. 21 miles from St. John's 10 miles from Cana Vineyards
14 miles from St. John's 20 miles from Cana Vineyards
2.5 miles from St. John's 16 miles from Cana Vineyards
2 miles from St. John's 15 miles from Cana Vineyards
2.5 miles from St. John's 15 miles from Cana Vineyards