4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Please join the Allens in Suite 2202 for libations on Friday!
5:00 pm
This event is for bridal party, immediate family, and pastor only. The shuttle will depart from the JW Marriott at 4:30 PM ET.
6:30 pm
This event is by invitation only. The shuttle will depart from the JW Marriott at 6:15 PM ET.
8:30 pm
This event is open to all guests, come one come all! The shuttle will depart from the JW Marriott at 8:15 PM ET.
5:30 pm
Black Tie
The shuttles will depart from the JW Marriott at 4:55 PM ET.
6:15 pm
Black Tie
The shuttles will depart from Christ Church at 6:00 PM ET. The same shuttles will make return trips to the JW Marriott between 9:15 PM-11:30 PM ET.