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Please RSVP by October 1, 2024!

The Wedding Of Amanda & Kevin

    Wedding Party

Amanda Kay Johnson


Kevin Michael Cassar

November 8, 2024

Queen Creek, AZ | The Farmhouse at Schnepf Farms
58 days58 d14 hours14 h27 minutes27 min28 seconds28 s

How We Met

April 4, 2022

Kevin & Amanda were frustrated with the Scottsdale dating scene. They met in an unorthodox manner in today’s society through a formal matchmaking service in which they both desired to meet the love of their lives. By the grace of God and some luck on their side they were matched and had their very first date at PV Pie & Wine in Paradise Valley, Arizona. From that moment on, they both knew something was different about one another; they immediately connected, and their chemistry was instantly recognizable. As each date followed, Kevin and Amanda grew closer. They both knew they had something so genuine, deep, and meaningful that it built a love in which you dream of having once in a lifetime!

The Proposal

July 24, 2023

Kevin had been planning for four long months, working extensively to ensure that Amanda would receive the engagement ring and proposal of her dreams; a day in which both of them would never forget. Through the help of Kevin’s sisters while on an incredible family vacation in northern Michigan, Kevin planned a small hike up to Arch Rock on Mackinac Island with the Cassar family along with Amanda to see the breathtaking views of Lake Huron and it’s crystal clear waters. While on the overlook next to Arch Rock called Nicolet Watch Tower, Kevin brought Amanda up the stairs to see a view of Lake Huron and Mackinac Island unlike any other. After taking a few pictures together, Kevin told Amanda to wait for a second I want to talk to you and said to her, “Sweetheart, You are truly the most incredibly smart, gifted, selfless, caring, kind, compassionate, loving, driven, motivated, nurturing, empathetic, fun, and adventurous woman I have ever known in my entire life. Each and every day you inspire me to be a better man, person, and American inside and out, not only for myself but especially for you. You push me to be better and more driven in ways that I didn’t even know I had in myself. We have so much fun together no matter what we're doing. You make me feel so incredibly special, safe and secure. In the last year, I have experienced and done things that I would have never experienced if it wasn’t for you coming into my life. You make me feel so incredibly full of joy, determined, full of purpose, loved, at peace, and fully motivated to take on the world with you without reservation. I am confident that as long as we are together, I promise you that I will always protect you fearlessly, love you unconditionally, respect you, motivate you, provide for you, make you feel safe and secure, hold and comfort you when you are sad, laugh with you until we cry, and always be the one person in this world that makes you feel like home, to which brings you the most happiness and joy imaginable. That is my unwavering commitment and promise to you! There are few words that I have to express how much I love and adore you with all my heart & soul! You make me the happiest I have ever been in my entire life and there isn’t anyone on Earth that I would rather spend and journey through the rest of my life with other than you! I promise you that every day, I will do my very best to be the man you deserve, day in and day out. You will always be able to count on me in good times and bad for everything you need because I am only loyal to one woman in the world and that is you. As God as my witness I will do everything in my power to give you the most beautiful, happy, and spectacular life you can imagine. Full of laughter, adventure, joy, happiness, memories, and purpose because without you there is no us! I would rather go a hundred lifetimes alone and be fortunate enough to be able to live one lifetime with you by my side as my one and only true love. My life each and every day has no true purpose or meaning without you in it; you are my everything and my entire world! I promise to honor, protect, cherish, love, and care for you today, tomorrow, and all the days to come, till my last full measure of devotion. Now and until my dying breath! Will you do the honor of making me the happiest man and American in the world, Will You Marry Me?” Of Course She Said Yes! The next day on July 25, 2023, Kevin & Amanda celebrated their engagement by going to the formal dinner at The Grand Hotel. Engagement photos followed dinner with scenes from throughout the incredible beaches and landscape of Mackinac Island, Michigan.

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