Yes! Rain or Shine. In case of rain, all areas will be tented but guests will need to walk between tents so please plan accordingly. Umbrellas will be provided!
You can be dropped off at the house. Do note that you will need to be dropped off at the bottom of the driveway as it will be blocked off to cars. Unfortunately, there will be absolutely no parking at the house or on the streets surrounding the house. The town of Ridgefield has informed us they plan to tow any cars parked on the street.
13 Whipstick Road, Ridgefield CT 06877. On the corner of Whipstick Rd and Perry Lane.
No. West Lane Inn cannot allow the use of their parking lot by non-guests. There is ample parking at Jesse Lee Park and Ride, which is just about a minute down the street!
We will have a couple of golf carts on the property that can give you a lift! If you have any specific questions or concerns, reach out to us.
Please plan to be at the house by 3:45 PM at the latest. Shuttles to the house will begin at 3:00 PM- Please note the last shuttle from Jesse Lee Park & Ride will be at 3:45 PM and will resume at approx. 4:30 pm upon conclusion of the ceremony.
Please RSVP by July 21st!